
Saturday, March 02, 2013

J Rabbit - Happy Things [English Translete]

When the sun rises, the first thing I do is to think happy thought
One, two, three, get up from your bed, give a big yawn like a hippo
Open both eyes wide and nice, and big streach out
Enjoy your happy imagination, don't forget your happy happy things

In the morning with a refreshing breeze when I'm chilling out
When I look better and usual and everything I put seems to be prettier
When I walk alone listening to music, when I got to the bus on time
When the rush hour is awfull but the guys in front of me gets up and give a seat

When everything works out as expected. From now on I set my own expectations
When I eat something very tasty. Ohmy! Didn't even push but easily trip to the bathroom
Oh! When I leave on bonus vacation with someone I love
Just imagine it makes me happy, don't forget your happy happy things!

When I meet old friends, when no reason feeling happy just by dancing alone
When my brains just seems to work well. You don't say! Didn't even study but score full marks!
Oh! When you miss someone, when he knows what's your thingking
Just imagine it makes me happy, happy happy things

Something that anyone can do, if you wish a happy life
Just imagine all of this will make you happy
Don't forget your happy happy things!


One of my favorite song!
credits: Youtube and Google

mwd :)