
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

YUKI - 坂道のメロディ (Sakamichi no Melody) Lyric (Kanji - Romaji - Translation)

YUKI - 坂道のメロディ (Sakamichi no Melody)
坂道のアポロン (Sakamichi no Appolon) OP Single

Monday, October 21, 2013

How's Life?

It was such a long time 'till my last post. Kapan terakhir kali update? Ahya, SS5..

Now I'm moving in the new neighborhood called 'collage' hahaha~ Dengan proses adaptasi yang cukup kolot, teman-teman baru, dosen warna warni, senior, dan tugas-tugas menumpuk yang ga bikin tidur, I'm still struggling to survive in Japanese Literature Indonesia University. Masih beradaptasi dengan jam kelas yang ga tentu, masuk kuliah siang, dosen dengan berbagai cara ngajar, dan sebagainya.

Semenjak masuk kuliah, jatah fangirling anime dan Hallyu jatuh merosot. Gue selalu cari waktu luang buat fangirl dan entah kenapa hal tersebut malah ga gue dapetin ;__; Waktu kosong di anak kuliah itu PELIT, kita bener-bener di drill sama dosen.

Ini percakapan gue sama temen-temen gue waktu pulang kelas malem
A : Kayaknya bayangan kita mengenai anak sastra yang santai dan nongkrong semacam ga ada ya
B : Iya abisnya Jepang gitu banget sih..
Gue : Semua it hanya FATAMORGANA...

Okesip TT_TT

Pokoknya masih berusaha beradaptasi sama hal-hal yang baru ini. Adventure awaits!!

mwd :)

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

If you go, if you go
Leave me down here on my own
Then I'll wait for you

Coldplay - In My Place

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pass So Fast

Its start when i ate my Vanilla Ice Cream when i've just already finished my Geography's National Exam. However, the Ice cream taste more delicious than usual.

....ah, 3 years just past.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

J Rabbit - Happy Things [English Translete]

When the sun rises, the first thing I do is to think happy thought
One, two, three, get up from your bed, give a big yawn like a hippo
Open both eyes wide and nice, and big streach out
Enjoy your happy imagination, don't forget your happy happy things

In the morning with a refreshing breeze when I'm chilling out
When I look better and usual and everything I put seems to be prettier
When I walk alone listening to music, when I got to the bus on time
When the rush hour is awfull but the guys in front of me gets up and give a seat

When everything works out as expected. From now on I set my own expectations
When I eat something very tasty. Ohmy! Didn't even push but easily trip to the bathroom
Oh! When I leave on bonus vacation with someone I love
Just imagine it makes me happy, don't forget your happy happy things!

When I meet old friends, when no reason feeling happy just by dancing alone
When my brains just seems to work well. You don't say! Didn't even study but score full marks!
Oh! When you miss someone, when he knows what's your thingking
Just imagine it makes me happy, happy happy things

Something that anyone can do, if you wish a happy life
Just imagine all of this will make you happy
Don't forget your happy happy things!


One of my favorite song!
credits: Youtube and Google

mwd :)

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Makara Biru Muda! Makara Biru Muda!

I'll get this jacket this year... Insya allah...

mwd :)

Saturday, February 02, 2013


Dari judulnya aja udah ketebak kan?

Yep, it's my ultimate bias birthday... Walau di itungan jam Indonesia masih tanggal 2 Februari jam 11 malem, tapi di Korea Kyuhyun udah menghabiskan 30 menitnya di umur 26.... Last year I've made a very long and completed article about this chick magnae (you can clik here) so this year I just want to share some greets and picts...

Ngga kerasa udah enem taun ya bang!! Udah lama banget lo di SJ... Jadi anak ngeselin sok unyu yang epil! Tapi gapapa, perjuangan dan ke-kecean lo sebagai penyanyi ga luntur2 bang (and yes, his face is forever young hng ._.) Gue cuma bisa berharap, jangan pergi ya bang. Maksudnya jangan berhenti menjadi 'Cho Kyuhyun'. Bukan hanya dengan label 'Super Junior Kyuhyun' tapi benar2 'Cho Kyuhyun', seorang bocah yang suka nyanyi, jail, seneng buat onar dan cinta game...


Bang ini jaman kapan bang jaman kapan??! Щ(ºДºщ)

Selca dia selalu unyu ya beb(?)

Napas Mau napas /pingsan/

There I ever tell you how beautiful you are hm?!

Alright alright pure~

Mwah! :*

Ohmy *-*

Angel gentle handsome Kyu ♥

Vampire Korean version!
Awwww handsome!! ♥


Poke ♥

Sleepyhead Kyuhyunnie~

Haha this is a pictspam~ Hehe :D
Yep, hope to see you more GaemGyu... ELF (especially Sparkyu) always support and love you~

I don't have this picture, this picture belongs to the credits at the pict~

mwd :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hasil kerandoman : SJ Pirate!

Halo, blog.

Hari ini isi otak gue lagi random. Ada2 aja pemikiran yang lalu lalang dan macet di lintasan otak gue (yeah, related to some s*it things that happened to me in the last month ugh) jadinya otak gue kurang bekerja dengan benar dan terus memuntahkan pertanyaan random, seperti "mengapa langit itu biru?" "Mengapa hujan terjadi?" "mengapa Kyuhyun ganteng banget?" "siapa saya?(??)" dan lain sebagainya. Semua gak sinkron.

Pada akhirnya semua ketidaksinkronan itu menghasilkan FF gaje seputar anak2 SJ. Tadinya mau ngebuat cast EXO, tapi berhubung gua udah keleyengan muntah darah kebanyakan dicekokin FF BaekYeol sama jadi deh.

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Girl Who Can't be Moved

Going back to the junction, when I first dropped you
Gonna stay with my umbrella, I'm not gonna moved
Got some ask to people, got your picture in my hand
Saying "If you see this phone, can you tell me where is it"

Some try to buy me new phone, they not understand,
I'm so broke... I'm so a broken heart girl
I know it makes no sense, what else can I do?
How can I moved on, when I still in love with it

Cause when someday I wake up and find that I missing it
And my heart start to wonder where on this earth it could be
Thinking maybe it still stay into the place that I dropped
And I see it waiting for me, on the corner of junction

It not moving~ It not Moving~

My school talk about the girl, whose loosing of her phone
There are no holes in her shoes, but a big hole in her pocket
Maybe I could famous, as a girl who loose her phone
Maybe I don't mean to, but I see you at the street
And I come running to the junction, where I dropped my iPhone

I'm a girl, who can't be moved~ I'm a girl who can't be moved

Cause when someday I wake up and find that I missing it
And my heart start to wonder where on this earth it could be
Thinking maybe it still stay into the place that I dropped
And I see it waiting for me, on the corner of junction

It not moving~ It not Moving~

Going back to the junction, when I first dropped you
Gonna stay with my umbrella, I'm not gonna moved

Goodbye, my iPhone

mwd :"")

Tuesday, January 08, 2013